Contact Us

Please refer to the email addresses below to contact staff members directly or call 717-233-6455 to speak with someone at the POA office building.

If you do not know who to contact, email and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

Jennifer Keeler, CAE
Executive Director

Deborah Blanchard
Chief Operating Officer
Member benefits programs, association finances, membership

Ilene Sauertieg
Director of Education & Conferences
Education programs, meetings, Business Partner Program

Kelsey Rodkey
Director of Communications
Keystoner, awards, website, social media, emails/texts, Vision Conservation Institute (VCI), POA programs

Jean Herlihy
Membership and POPAC Manager
Membership applications, dues, billing, POPAC

Sharon Vrabel
Membership Liaison
Membership development and retention; new graduate relations

Kathy Heffner
Claims Department Manager
(717) 234-2119
Electronic Claims Submission

Pennsylvania Optometric Association
218 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Silver Partners